Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Day Two of Blogging
I got a great email last night that a fellow Project 21 member (www.project21.org) was a contestant on Showtime cable networks new show American candidate.


I am so impressed with candidate Tara Setmayer, from Marathon, FL. She is an African American female Republican candidate.

Her platform is made up of three key topics:

1. Steadfast leadership on the war on terror.
2. Quality Education for all of our children
3. Robust economy and job creation through tax relief.

She is extremely impressive and I plan help get the word out to help her on this new reality show.

On a personal note....today will be a busy day. I am headed to a function tonight being hosted by the South African Ambassador. I also was quoted yesterday in a press release regarding my comments in reference to Rev. Jesse Jackson and his call for the President to be tried by the United Nations for killing innocent civilians in the war in Iraq.

For those of you that want a quick background and bio of me, I promise tomorrow to post some background information.

Have a great blessed day!



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